
Senator Ted Cruz from Texas has stirred up the Republican party with his stupid Filibustering antics and threatening Government shutdown if Obamacare is not defunded. Although most Republicans are against what he’s preaching, some Bat-Shit crazy Conservatives support him…including Sarah Palin. Ted Cruz and his ads on repealing The Affordable Care Act have been flooding political network channels in order to gain some support. Frankly, the more ads I see, the less compassionate Ted Cruz makes himself out to be.  Whatever happened to compassion in this Country? Why are Conservatives like Ted Cruz so unwilling to at least accept the fact that the Affordable Care Act will benefit children, the elderly, and those people who are already suffering from a pre-existing condition? Does Ted actually believe that his crazy ideology is going to guarantee him a 2016 election victory? Why can’t we just try this type of healthcare instead of doing nothing about it? Our current system is fucked so why not? Is it because our black democratic President is quarterbacking healthcare reform? If George W. Bush presented this healthcare system, Conservatives would embrace it and would put W. up on Mt. Rushmore. However, when it comes to compassion, Christian values do not reflect what Ted Cruz and Conservative groups like the Tea Party share. They have steered way far to the right, right into a mental asylum. Speaking of mentally ill, Teapublicans who suffer from a mental condition will actually now benefit from healthcare reform. -B

Let Them Starve

Republicans in Congress have hit a new low and have just cut $39 Billion from SNAP. SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals, families, and even military families. It also provides economic benefits to communities. According to, 3.8 million Americans will now go hungry, including children…while increasing the poverty rate in this country to 46.5 Million. 76% of SNAP households included a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person. That 76% number is just mind-boggling…and even more, disappointing when you have this party of GOP rodeo clowns who simply don’t give a shit. It’s pretty sad to live in a beautiful world, a beautiful country like the U.S. knowing that many children will go hungry tonight. It’s an embarrassment that it’s even happening here in this great country of ours. Whatever happened to no child left behind? What is it with these GOP Tea Party clowns? I thought they were Pro-Life? Oh no that’s right, they’re Pro-Birth. Now I’m left to wonder where all that money will go. Will it go to big oil companies? Maybe more tax cuts for these lobbyists? I don’t see why not. As long as the rich prosper and the poor are left with nothing. No opportunity for them because those are the GOP’s values. They’re simply a terrorist organization funded by the 1%, sent to raid the remaining wealth from the middle class and the poor. Christian conservatives are the most un-Christ-like people you will ever meet. When it comes to healing thy sick? No. Loving thy neighbor? No. Feeding the poor, HELL NO! I’ll just end this now to remind you like-minded folks to vote in 2014 and dispose of these un-Christ-like hooligans for good. -B

The Tealiban Party

Congressional Speaker John Boehner has let our nation down once again. At no surprise, does he continue to cater to his own party, instead of doing what he was hired to do. As we all know, the President’s main goal when he was first elected as commander in chief was to focus on the economy. An economy that was merely destroyed by the previous administration that took us from surplus to deficit, and an incredible amount of debt. Five years later, we are slowly recovering and licking our wounds without the help from congressional leaders. However, Tea Party members are gnashing their own teeth because Obama is not cleaning up their mess fast enough. Rather than lending a helping hand and focusing on what’s important, John Boehner and his party would rather make The President look like a failure. As disgusting as it seems, Conservatives continue to label themselves as “Patriots”. Last time I checked the dictionary, Patriotism meant loving your country and fighting for it with great sacrifice, passion, and loyalty. Today’s modern Republicans are far from Patriots…they’re a CULT (much like the Taliban). A group of religious nuts who practice the Christian religion the wrong way. They force their flawed way of thinking and their beliefs on others. They mock and threaten those who do not agree with them or simply because they live a different lifestyle. The Tea Party consists of a bunch of whiny hipsters who cater to the corporate ladder. Neglecting the sick and poor is their specialty. If Jesus were alive today, he would have told this cult of Taliban Hipsters to fuck off…not in that language of course. Or perhaps he would have flooded them. Who knows…but with October 1st looming, Boehner and his Taliban officials are risking government shutdown in their ongoing war with trying to defund Obamacare for the 40th + time. I lost count. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is Einstein’s definition of “Insanity”. I guess it does no harm to label today’s Tea Party as a radical extremist group…much like the Taliban. -B