Let Them Starve

Republicans in Congress have hit a new low and have just cut $39 Billion from SNAP. SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals, families, and even military families. It also provides economic benefits to communities. According to http://aattp.org, 3.8 million Americans will now go hungry, including children…while increasing the poverty rate in this country to 46.5 Million. 76% of SNAP households included a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person. That 76% number is just mind-boggling…and even more, disappointing when you have this party of GOP rodeo clowns who simply don’t give a shit. It’s pretty sad to live in a beautiful world, a beautiful country like the U.S. knowing that many children will go hungry tonight. It’s an embarrassment that it’s even happening here in this great country of ours. Whatever happened to no child left behind? What is it with these GOP Tea Party clowns? I thought they were Pro-Life? Oh no that’s right, they’re Pro-Birth. Now I’m left to wonder where all that money will go. Will it go to big oil companies? Maybe more tax cuts for these lobbyists? I don’t see why not. As long as the rich prosper and the poor are left with nothing. No opportunity for them because those are the GOP’s values. They’re simply a terrorist organization funded by the 1%, sent to raid the remaining wealth from the middle class and the poor. Christian conservatives are the most un-Christ-like people you will ever meet. When it comes to healing thy sick? No. Loving thy neighbor? No. Feeding the poor, HELL NO! I’ll just end this now to remind you like-minded folks to vote in 2014 and dispose of these un-Christ-like hooligans for good. -B

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